Moment One

Quynne Eharis
2 min readFeb 1, 2021

Snow in Las Vegas

I had this feeling that it was going to snow this morning. Actually, I didn’t. The Weather App informed me of such a grand climate change. My lover’s alarm went off at 4:40am. On any other given day, I go back to sleep and don’t wake up until about 8:00am. Remembering it was supposed to snow, I shimmied the blankets off and hurried out of bed to peep through the blinds. My jaw dropped as I found our cars covered in snow. My soul lit up with fascination and exclaimed, “Babe, it snowed!”

My instincts nudged me to go back to bed to wrap myself in warmth — so I did. Out of nowhere, I felt the sudden
urge to go outside and play in the snow. I threw off the covers and threw on my sweats, scarf, socks, and boots and out the door I went.

It was magic.

Two days ago, the sun was shining.
Yesterday, it was raining.
Today, it’s snowing.

This planet is such a gift-giving place filled with endless amounts of wonders
There’s just something about seeing the bushes and rocks covered with whispering white snow. Maybe it’s because of the way white makes you feel. It symbolizes new beginnings; new blessings. A soon-to-be wife wears a white dress on her wedding day. A blank piece of paper starts off as a white sheet. A clean canvas; white represents purity; the untouched.

Waking up to a blanket of snow, feeling individual flakes dissolve from meeting the warmth of my tongue; I am in Love. I am physically and feel presently in Love with what wonderful things are happening around me.

When you fall silent to the vastness of beauty, you’ve realized that you’re a part of something so much greater than you. You feel like nothing else in this world matters– not even you and it feels okay, because with what you’re witnessing, you’re not thinking about how long it’ll last or the next time it’ll happen. That’s the thing; you’re not thinking — at all. You’re not analyzing; you’re only admiring — you’re observing. Maybe that’s why a gift is also called a present. It creates a moment of the present with you, and that’s the greatest gift you could ever come by.

